Alastair McIntosh

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Alastair McIntosh is a Scottish writer, academic and activist, who explores the connections between theology and ecology from a Quaker perspective. He was brought up in Leurbost on the Isle of Lewis and is married to Vérène Nicolas. He is involved with Scottish land reform especially on Eigg and campaigned successfully against the Harris superquarry in Lingerbay. He is a fellow of the Centre for Human Ecology, an Honorary Fellow of the Schumacher Society, and helped to set up the Govan based GalGael Trust of which he is Treasurer and a non-executive director. In 2006 he was appointed to the honorary position of Visiting Professor of Human Ecology at the University of Strathclyde (Department of Geography & Sociology) – the first such post in Human ecology in a Scottish university.

(This paragraph reproduced from under a Creative Commons License. Photo by Dominique Carton.)

Alastair McIntosh — Community and the Divine Human Being
Interview by Iain McNay

Recent Books and articles of Alastair McIntosh (with notes and links from the author). Reproduced with permission from


New Book: Spiritual Activism
by Alastair McIntosh and Matt Carmichael


The book begins by defining spirituality for a modern audience of all faiths and beliefs, and goes on to consider the problems and necessities of true leadership. Drawing on a rich history of spirituality and activism, from The Bhagavad Gita, to the Hebrew prophets, to Carl Jung, it is both guide and inspiration for people involved in activism for social or environmental justice.

Click here to read sample chapter.

The text is enriched with tales from the authors’ own experiences. It contains case studies of inspirational spiritual activists (including Mama Efua, Desmond Tutu, Gerrard Winstanley, Sojourner Truth and Julia Butterfly Hill), which demonstrate the transformative power of spiritual principles in action.

Over the past half century the issues facing activists have changed, as has our understanding and awareness of spirituality. For activists, spiritual philosophy is rising up the agenda because it offers distinct, tried and tested approaches to deep questions: Where did it all go wrong? What does it mean to be human? What is the place of leadership? What is the nature of power?




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Books by Alastair McIntosh

This page gives links to all books by Alastair McIntosh that are in print, the most recent listed first. Click on either the cover or on “more…” for full details, reviews, extracts and purchasing options.  These are in chronological order of date of publication. For those completely new to my work my best know book is Soil and Soul, and Poacher’s Pilgrimage is a similarly major book. 

9781780276397 Riders on the Storm: the Climate Crisis and the Survival of Being (Birlinn, 160 pp., publisher’s info, £8.99, paperback, due 6 August 2020. Here I provide an up-to-date summary in plain language of the consensus expert science of climate change, I look at the psychology of both denial and alarmism and I round on what it is that the world can do. The book tackles population, consumption, and rounds on climate change as a call to deepen in our spirituality and relationships in community with others.

I will be speaking on this at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in The New York Times Main Theatre at 10 a.m. on Monday 24 August 2020. Other speaking events are shown on my public itinerary.

Poacher’s Pilgrimage: an Island Journey (Birlinn, 352 pp. + 16 colour plates, publisher’s info, hardback, £20; paperback £9.99 UK/World; USA Cascade paperback $47.20). It took me 7 years to write Poacher’s Pilgrimage. Why so long? Outwardly, it is a pilgrimage through Harris and Lewis disguised as a fishing trip, over 12 days in May 2009. Inwardly, it is an ecology of the imagination that opened up layers and layers of depth and meaning into some of the most pressing issues of our times – God, war and the faeries. More….

“Fascinating, provocative and, occasionally, very funny” – Times Literary Supplement

“As I read, I felt that I had been led to holy ground” – Brian D. McLaren (Foreword to the Cascade USA edition)

“Beautifully compacted writing – clear, strong and constantly surprising – a fortnight’s walk that contains a universe” – Dark Mountain Journal

Spiritual Activism: Leadership as Service (Green Books, Sept 24th 2015 (Oct 1st in N. America), co-authored with Matt Carmichael, £19.99 h.b. ISBN 978 0 85784 300 5, also ebook, paperback out at end of May 2016, UK, £11.99). This captures my university teaching on spiritual activism from the past quarter century, brought up to date and with new perspectives by co-authorship with the Leeds-based activist, Matt Carmichael, through our connection with Schumacher North. Click here for Green Books’ webpage and here for its special page with events, reviews, etc. on my website.

“This is truly a book for our age, challenging the preconceptions of most activists, let alone those who still see spirituality solely as ‘an inner journey'” – Sir Jonathon Porritt, first chair, UK Government Sustainable Development Commission

“This book itself is a spiritual journey … It helps us to explore how we can bring our deepest values into action at this crucial time for the world” – Starhawk, author of The Empowerment Manual and Dreaming the Dark

“It addresses questions of power, leadership and accountability with honesty, insight and wisdom, and speaks with humanity and humour on the importance of … human development” – Rev Kathy Galloway, Iona Community

Parables of Northern Seed: Anthology from BBC’s Thought for the Day, (Wild Goose Publications, The Iona Community, August 2014, ISBN 9781849523028, £11.50, 144 pp.). When Alastair McIntosh was asked what makes a good BBC radio ‘God slot’ he quoted his late friend Walter Wink: ‘To conceive of heaven as the transcendent possibilities latent in every emerging moment.’ This anthology shares the best of Alastair’s Prayer and Thought for the Day pieces from nearly a decade. Here is that of God, transcendent, yet also here and now, immanent, within the day’s hard news. ‘O taste and see …’ Click here for PDF of Introduction and some sample reflections, and here to order online.

“Being short, being parables, does not stop these pieces being topical, hard-hitting, challengingly reflective. At the heart of each piece is an inner truth, something that justifies having a reflective slot on the radio each day. This is a collection, then, for personal reflection, but also very much for sharing in group discussion … to look at life’s inner kernels … a thought for the day can change the way in which we live that day and for a long time afterwards.” – Stuart Hannabuss (Gray’s School of Art)Network Magazine, 2015.

Island Spirituality: Spiritual Values of Lewis and Harris (Islands Book Trust, Isle of Lewis, June 2013, ISBN 1907443452, £10). Since 2009 my main project has been working on a book for which the working title is Poacher’s Pilgrimage about a walk from southern Harris to northern Lewis in May 2009. The material that came out of this is so rich and deep that I have struggled with how to handle different readerships, and this book has been a kind of safety valve, allowing me to deal with religious material seen through a specific local lens (though hopefully of much wider spiritual and political interest). It is published by a local history organisation, and for the webpage with more details, background research materials and a sample chapter, please click here (now free PDF).

“I took on reading it as a chore, sure I was going to be wearied…. Instead I was delighted to read a history … of the Presbyterianism of the Long Island (Harris and Lewis), which has dented my liberal Quaker prejudice against the “Free Kirk” and its religious oppression.” – Sheila Peacock, The Scottish Friend, 2014.

Radical Human Ecology: Intercultural and Indigenous Approaches (Ashgate, 2012), edited by Lewis Williams, Rose Roberts and Alastair McIntosh. Click here to download PDF of my 2 chapters: The Challenge of Radical Human Ecology to the Academy and The Teaching of Radical Human Ecology in the Academy. Now in paperback from Routledge and at the more affordable price of £30 – publisher’s webpage here.

From the Foreword by Richard J. Borden, Rachel Carson Chair in Human Ecology, College of the Atlantic and Society for Human Ecology: Below the clamor of a bustling world, this volume imparts the seeds of a radical alternative for human ecology. They lie beneath the surface: amid the whispered voices at the margin, in the praxis of traditional spirituality, along the dusty road of post-modernism, and from the ivy halls of science. This is not the human ecology of a prehistoric fireside or an academic symposium. It is an unconventional and timely pedagogy of hope.’ 

“There can be no doubt about the academic value of this book … it looks over the edge and ventures outside established lines.” – Luc Hens & Bernhard Glaeser, Int. J. of Environment & Pollution. 

Rekindling Community: Connecting People, Environment and Spirituality (Green Books, 2008). This book is No. 15 in the Schumacher Briefing series of the Schumacher Society. My own narrative is supplemented with boxed contributions from a dozen of my colleagues and former students whose research at the Centre for Human Ecology was sponsored by WWF International. Our passion was to explore underlying dynamics of rural and urban community regeneration. This illustrated book makes the case that the community we must seek to reconstitute is more than merely society. It is a three-way relationship – with one another, with nature, and with the spiritual ground of all being. More …. 
Hell and High Water: Climate Change, Hope and the Human Condition (Birlinn, 2008). Selected by Radio 4’s Open Book as one of the 2 best books on climate change, this is in many ways the sequel to Soil and Soul. But while Soil and Soul dealt with themes that became very good news, the scenario for tackling climate change looks much darker. Part 1 of the book tackles the science and politics of global warming, summarising what is known and exploring the controversies. But the most distinctive contribution comes in Part 2. Here I take the reader on a journey of deepening magical realism. I attempt to unpack the cultural history, psychology and spirituality that underlies climate change and in so doing I seek to shed insight on the human condition. By exploring the deep causes, deep solutions tentatively emerge – these being put forward in the 12-step programme that makes up the final chapter. I found Hell and High Water a terribly difficult book to write. It left me at a loss to find cause for outward optimism. And yet, a strange inner joy emerged in the writing. I ended up deepening my sense of hope for humankind. I’m thrilled that some reviewers seem to have experienced similarly. More …
Love and Revolution: Collected Poetry (Luath Press, 2006). This is my collected poetry. It expresses the inner fire of what has directed and sustained my work. More …
Chronique d’une Alliance: Peuples autochtones et société civile face à la mondialisation (Editions Yves Michel, 2005). This is Soil and Soul in slightly abridged French translation. The English title didn’t translate well into French, and the chosen title focuses on the “alliance” between French and Scottish campaigners that contributed to the the book’s main storylines. The subtitle is maybe more explicit as to content: “Indigenous peoples and civil society in the face of globalisation.” More …   And for more of my work that’s in foreign translation, click here.
Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power (Aurum Press, 2001, 2004). I think that I will always consider this book to be my masterpiece. On the surface, it tells such stories as growing up in Lewis, land reform on Eigg and the campaign that stopped the Harris superquarry. But the real message of the book, and the reason why it has sold into 5 figures, is much deeper and wider. I use the factual campaign stories as a carrier to express the deeper story of our times – the struggle of the human spirit to shine, the imperative of making community, the recovery of a credible spirituality. It’s an entirely factual book and yet much of its poetic impact derives from real-life magical realism. I’ve tried to touch some of the deepest hopes and possibilities within us all. I love this book. It took me out of myself, into my culture, and far beyond both. More …
Healing Nationhood: Essays on Spirituality, Place and Community (Curlew Productions, 2000). This pulls together work that I undertook on identity, belonging and place as part of a three year programme, Action for Transformation, that was funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. The main essay comprising the bulk of the book is “Land, Power and National Identity”, commissioned by the Economics Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences and theologians at the Holy Trinity Sergiev Monastery near Moscow. I was invited by them to speak about the spirituality of land reform and its possible relevance to Russia in February 2000. I had only 2 weeks in which to write the Russian piece, and it has since found more refined expression in Soil and Soul, though the opening pages on bardic politics are still worth reading. As the book will soon be out of print, I have now listed the entire contents online. More …

My Articles etc.

Nearly all of my published articles, academic and otherwise, are online. Click as appropriate for the Chronological index of articles, for the Classified index of articles, for Letters to the press and for BBC Radio Scotland Thought for the Day. Occasionally I post to my website other people’s work that I consider very important but which is otherwise hard to access. These articles/images are intended mainly for my students and are listed at third party resources.

Out of Print Books

Sometimes websites such as Amazon list as “books” publications of mine that were actually pamphlets or occasional papers. Where this is the case, a web version will be found in the publications section of my website (see below). Two that are books out of print (both co-authored) are, A Basic PR Guide for Charities (Directory of Social Change, 1985) and Marketing: a Handbook for Charities (Directory of Social Change, 1984). These can still be obtained second hand from internet sites. Also, Amazon (as linked here) has them scanned for “look inside” access, so a few pages at a time can be read in that way. Note that some parts are out of date, on some issues I have since modified my views (given that charity managerialism and fundraising techniques have sometimes gone beyond efficiency and into the realm of manipulation), but otherwise, much that is in them remains relevant. These books are also of some historical interest since they were, as far as we were aware, the first such books on marketing and PR for NGOs in the UK.

Articles since 2000 ~~~ Archive


  1. 2021, Beginning with Oneself: Raimon Panikkar’s 9 Sutras for COP 26, The Friend, 3 September, p. 12.


  1. 2021, Agus mar sin Car a’ Mhuiltein / And So Somersault, (poetry pamphlet – a major Gaelic/English poem about a night away in the faerie hill by Maoilios Caimbeul / Myles Campbell with Introduction by Iain MacKinnon, Catherine MacPhee and me), SEALL & Atlas Arts, Isle of Skye. (That links to the SEALL page with photos, PDF and audio links from the night’s performance. The pamphlet PDF is also here.


299, 2021, Rising Through the Third Great Flood, in Living Faithfully in the Time of Creation, eds. Kathy Galloway & Katharine M. Preston, The Iona Community, pp. 71 – 72.


  1. 2021, Three Reflections on Elderly Care, The Friend and BBC Thought for the Day, various dates.


  1. 2020, The Attitude of Education, chapter in festschrift for Mairéad Nic Craith, Per Scribendum, Sumus: Ethnopoesis, or: Writing Heritage, eds. Ulrich Kockel, Philip McDermott & Liam Campbell, Lit Verlag, Zurich, pp. 144-147.


296, 2020, Ahead of COP 26 Scotland has so much to teach the world, The Herald, 19 Nov, p. 17.


  1. 2020, Riders on the Storm: the Climate Crisis and the Survival of Being, Birlinn, Edinburgh, 243 + xi, ISBN 978 1 78027 639 7, £9.99 p/b.


  1. 2020, The Religious Education of the Future, RE Secondary News, Hampshire County Council, summer edn., pp. 9-11.


  1. 2020, Held in the Basket of Community, Solas 2020 Festival Magazine.


  1. 2020, Salted with Fire – Easter Reflection for the Iona Community, In Love with the Life of Life, Wild Goose Publications, pp. 191-193.


  1. 2019, Towards Third Millennium Christianity: Activism, Nonviolence & the Mystical Imperative, Future of Faith Lecture 2019 to Unitarians, Quakers & the Progressive Christianity Network, Faith and Freedom, 72:118, pp. 3-21; also in a Quaker version (abridged with some additions) as Third Millennium Christianity and Quakerism, The Friends Quarterly, 4:2019, pp. 22-41.


  1. 29 2019, God Carry Me, Dark Mountain Journal, Issue 16,10th anniversary edition essay, pp. 119-126.


  1. 2019, Spirituality and Social Activism, chapter with Matt Carmichael (2) in The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality and Society, ed. László Zsolnai & Bernadette Flanagan, Routledge, London.


  1. 2019, Papua Visitors Feast at Croirgerraidh, Lochs News, Issue 17, August, p. 6.


  1. 2019, Report of West Papua Province study tour to Hebrides, July.


  1. 2019, Doom and Dharma (politics of climate change & regenerative culture), The Ecologist, 22 July (online).


  1. 2019, Report on GalGael Trust people’s visit to the Isle of Iona, March 2019.


  1. 2019, “Keep thinking about the stories I’m telling you”: Obituary for Agnus Maclennan of Kirkibost & Achmore, Lochs News, Issue 15, Feb, pp. 8-9.


  1. 2018-19, Three Reflections for Extinction Rebellion – in The Ecologist on psychology and spirituality, and in The Friend on discernment, to Jan 2019.


  1. 2018, Love Never Shouts: Iona and the GalGael Trust, The Friend, 1 June, p. 13.


  1. 2018, The State of the Nation Lecture 2018, St Andrew’s Day, St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh – that’s an audio link, for the text click here. For source references on St A, see here.


  1. 2018, Obituary of Tom Forsyth of Scoraig – Crofter and Pioneer of Eigg Land Reform, The Herald, 31 August, p. 22 (link to the newspaper’s online version here).


  1. 2018, Keynote Address for the 25th Anniversary of the Assynt Crofters’ Trust, The Assynt Crofters’ Trust, Stoer, Sutherland, 2 July (pdf of original posting on their website).


  1. 2018, Imagine Life Without the Interconnector: We can take back control (Isle of Lewis wind farm debate), The Stornoway Gazette 28 June and expanded version as a guest on Katie Laing’s blog 30 June, see at that link.


  1. 2018, Combined Domestic Solar & Air-to-air-source Heat Pump experience – how we cut our annual domestic energy bills from £1,400 to £102 and domestic carbon footprint by 64%, including the article Wood, Wind and Sunny Govan in Reforesting Scotland. This page gives the full energy and financial analysis for first 5 operational years of renewables technology on a Glasgow terraced house 2013-17.

278, 2018, The Manknell Doctrine – Oxfam and a half-century’s political drivers of the Third Sector, Bella Caledonia, 4 March, PDF copy of web publication.

277, 2018, A Perilous Neglect – Quakers, Merton & Torture, Friends Journal, USA, February, pp. 10-11.

276, 2018, The Iroquois Six Nations Address to the Western World of 40 years ago, Bella Caledonia supplement in The National, 6 January, p. 6.

275, 2018, The Immortality of Robert Burns, Burns’ Night address to the GalGael Trust, Bella Caledonia online, PDF copy of web publication.

274, 2018, Rembering Kenyon Wright: India’s Swaraj and the Scottish Parliament, Cable Magazine, Issue 7, January (was online, Scottish international affairs).

273, 2017, Promised Land: Why Ulva? Why Land Reform?, Bella Caledonia supplement in The National, 2 December, pp. 1-7. Also on Bella’s website here.

272, 2017, The PsalmBoat Project: Alastair McIntosh at Soval Lodge, Lochs News, Leurbost, Isle of Lewis, Nov 2017, pp. 12-13.

271, 2017, Some Contributions of Geopoetics to Modern Scottish Land Consciousness, Scottish Centre for Geopoetics, Conference proceedings “Expressing the Earth”, Seil Island, Scotland; PDF copy of web publication.

270, 2017, “Foreword” to Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust land reform 20th anniversary brochure, Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust, pp. 1-2.

269, 2017, Robert Barclay and The Donald: reflections on binary worldview, The Friend, 5 May, pp. 10-11.

268, 2017, The Apocalypse of Three Great Floods, (commentary on Hebridean climate change legends and extract from Poacher’s Pilgrimage), Dark Mountain Journal, Issue 11, pp. 87 – 93

267, 2017, Report on the GalGael Trust’s visit to Iona – exploration of “spirituality”, e-Coracle, April, Iona Community, Glasgow.  PDF version here.

267, 2017, Waiting (poem responding to Pat Kane on the state of Scotland), The National, 18 March, p. 13 (full online article).

266, 2017, The Ten Beatitudes, in The Sun Slowly Rises (ed. Neil Paynter), Wild Goose Publications (Iona Community), Glasgow, pp. 133 – 136.

2016, Dè Seòrsa Fuaim a tha a’ Tighinn à Tùr-Cluig Falamh? What is the Sound of an Empty Belfry Chiming?, Re-Soundings, ed. Mhairi Killin & Hugh Watt,, Graphical House, ISBN 978-0-9565200-8-1, pp. AD597 – c.1497 (bi-lingual Gaelic & English arts project on bells and artillery shells).

2016, Govan Free Church Newsletter, requested reflection piece, winter 2016.

263, 2016, What is it About Evangelicals? (Donald Trump’s evangelical base and his Scottish roots), Bella Caledonia, 27 November. PDF version here.

262, 2016, Donald Trump and the Second Sight, Bella Caledonia, 6 November. PDF version here.

261, 2016, ‘Despite hand-wringing Blair felt it part of his coming of age as a leader’, Chilcot Inquiry Supplement, The Herald, Glasgow, 7 July, p. 4.

260, 2016, Poacher’s Pilgrimage: an Island Journey, Birlinn, Edinburgh, hardback, ISBN 978 178027 361 7, £20, 339 pp. + xxi.

259, 2016,  “Quando o Bolso Enche e o Espírito se Esvazia” – Interview by the Brazilian Jesuit agricultural journal (Portuguese with English version at the back), IHU: Instituto Humanitas Unisinos, by João Vitor Santos, tradução Moisés Sbardelotto, No. 485/XVI, 16 May.

258, 2016, Frenchgate – a Case of Quaker Agency Capture?, Bella Caledonia, 28 March. PDF version here.

257, 2015, Mantra, poem in In the Gift of This New Day, Wild Goose (Iona Community), p. 146.

256, 2015, Rummaging Through the Useful Bag, Dark Mountain Journal Issue 8 (on Technê, technology), pp. 298 – 310.

2015, Canadian Quakers Yearly Meeting Lecture – Decolonising Land and Soul: A Quaker Testimony, The Sunderland P. Gardner Lecture 2015, Canadian Yearly Meeting, Ottawa, 37pp.

2015, “Foreword” to Bruce Ball’s The Landscape Below: Soil, Soul and Agriculture, Wild Goose Publications, Glasgow, pp. 9 – 17.

2015. Living in the Carrying Stream (a reflection on intergenerational transmission, Isle of Lewis), Dioghlum: Magazine of the Kinloch Historical Society, Isle of Lewis, No. 49, July 2015, pp. 5-7.
252. 2015. Spiritual Activism: Leadership as Service, book co-authored with Matt Carmichael, Green Books, Cambridge, 24 September 2015 (formal year of publication is given as 2016, apparently a publishing convention for books released late in the year), hardback, £19.99.
2015. Canoe Pilgrimage to Boreray: Celtic Era Burial site at Field of the Monks in Outer Hebrides & Birth Place of the Grandfather of the First Man on the Moon, photo documentary, September, web published by Alastair McIntosh.
2015. The Highland Clearances on the Isles of Lewis and Harris from the living memories of Donald J Macleod (b. 1934) of Enaclete (Uig) and Bridge of Don, compiled and web published by Alastair McIntosh.
2015. To become ‘the People of the Cross’: Climate Change, Violence and some Meanings of Creation in Our Times, Public Lecture to Ireland Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), delivered 10 Apr 2015, also available at this link.
2015. Book review of John F. Gavin SJ’s A Celtic Christology: the Incarnation according to John Scottus Eriugena, Third Way, 39:4, May 2115, p. 40.
2015. Report on the Climate Change Study Visit to Scotland by Planners from Papua Province, Indonesia, Centre For Human Ecology, March 2015, co-authored with Vérène Nicolas & Sibongile Pradhan, 13 pp..
2015. The People of the Cross? Blessing of a Cross of Shells by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Afghanistan War Commemoration, correspondence and items in The Friend.
2015. Consultation Response to Scottish Government on Land Reform, Centre for Human Ecology, 10 February 2015.
2015. Seeds of Fire, conference address on climate change and the community, The Sisters of the Cross and Passion, Larne, Northern Ireland, 8 February 2015.
2015. Burning in the Name of God (The “Islamic” State), Bella Caledonia (online), 4 Feb 2015.
2015, Scalpay Lighthouse Pathway Opening Address (13 Sept 2014), De Tha Dol, Harris Voluntary Service, Isles of Scalpay & Harris, Jan 2015, pp. 8-9.
2014, Lochs Agricultural Show Opening Address (26 July 2014), Dioghlum, Kinloch Historical Society, Isle of Lewis, No. 48, Dec 2014, pp. 5-6.
2014, Compass Points Within Eileana Bride, in Marianna Lines, The Traveller’s Guide to Sacred Scotland, Gothic Image Publications, Somerset, pp. 264-266.
2014, Book review of Stephen Finlan & Vladimir Kharlamov (eds) Theōsis: Deification in Christian Theology, Vols 1 & 2, The Expository Times, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, 126(2), pp. 93-94.

238, 2014, Where Stands Our Nineveh Today?, Sermon after the Scottish Referendum, delivered at Iona Abbey, Sunday 21 September.

2014, “The Rising of the Kelpies” and, “Freeing the Unicorn”, two mythological poems in the anthology, Scotia Nova: Poems for the Early Days of a Better Nation, ed. Alistair Findlay & Tessa Ransford, Luath Press, Edinburgh.
2014, The Net of Saint Andrew: Sectarianism and British Constitutional Theology, Bella Caledonia, 2 August.
2014, Parables of Northern Seed: Anthology from BBC’s Thought for the Day, Wild Goose Publications, The Iona Community, August, ISBN 9781849523028, £11.50, 144 pp..
2014, “Foreword” (25 pp) to the new edition of On the Other Side of Sorrow: Nature and People by James Hunter, Birlinn Ltd, Edinburgh.
2014, Book Review of Donald Smith’s Freedom and Faith & Doug Gay’s Honey from the Lion (both on theology of Scottish independence referendum), Third Way, 37:5, June, p. 40.
2014, Roineabhal, Isle of Harris, Scotland in Trust: magazine of the National Trust for Scotland, (part of a feature on what’s worth conserving for the future), Spring 2014, p. 47.
2014, When the Ferries Fail to Sail (community resilience on the Isle of Lewis during 1966 strike of the National Union of Seamen), with Lauren Eden (1), Dark Mountain, Issue 5, Spring 2014, pp. 140-157.
2014, Book review of When Soldiers Say No, edited by Andrea Ellner, Paul Robinson & David Whetham, Third Way, 37:4, May, p. 36.
2014, Combined Domestic Solar & Air-to-air-source Heat Pump experience– how we cut our domestic energy bills from £1,400 to £133 and carbon footprint by 61%, including the articleWood, Wind and Sunny Govan, Reforesting Scotland, Issue 48, Autumn/Winter, pp. 28-29 with endnotes. This page links to a full energy and financial analysis for first operational year on a Glasgow terraced house to March 2014 and occasional updates.
2014, The Cross: Faslane submarine base Easter address – theology for 3rd Millennium, The Friend (Quakers), 11 April; also illustrated version in Reform, United Reformed Church, June edition, p. 12 and web version with the American progressive Jewish site, Tikkun.
2014, What is Ancestral Time? Returning to One’s Destiny, Arts & Humanities Research Council project blog, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh. For non-interactive but permanent PDF version click here.
2014, A Culture of Contempt: the Telegraph, R.D. Laing & Scottish Independence, Bella Caledonia opinion piece, February 19th. For non-interactive but permanent PDF version click here.
2013, Book review of In Defence of War by Nigel Biggar, Third Way, 36:10, December, p. 40.
2013, The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium), commentary on Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, The Friend, 6 December, p. 3.
2013, Book review of The Power of Silence by Graham Turner, Reform Magazine (United Reformed Church), November, p. 34.
2013, Can Liberation Theology Serve Indonesia? Semper Reformanda and the Spiritual Challenges of Our Times, Sola Experientia (Jurnal Teologi), Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jakarta (Jakarta Theological Seminary), Vol 1:2, October 2013, 121-136.

221(a). 2013, Growing up with Calvin (reflections on Island Spirituality), Third Way, 36:7, Sept 2013, pp. 24-26.

2013, Island Spirituality: Spiritual Values of Lewis and Harris, Islands Book Trust, Kershader, 184 pp, price £10.
2013, Keynote Address, The Future is Local, Scottish Community Alliance with Scottish Government, 26 April.
2013, Book review of Fauna Scotica: Animals and People in Scotland by Polly Pullar & Mary Low, ECOS: Journal of the British Association of Nature Conservationists, 34:1, pp. 64-65.
2012, Radical Human Ecology: Intercultural and Indigenous Approaches, co-edited with Lewis Williams (1) and Rose Roberts (2) in the Ashgate Research Companion series, Ashgate, London. Includes my chapters on “The Challenge of Radical Human Ecology to the Academy” and “Teaching Radical Human Ecology in the Academy”, with a Foreword by Richard Borden of the Society for Human Ecology, 433 pp, ISBN 978-0-7546-9516-5, price £30 hardback.

218(a). 2012. The Liberation Theology of Pussy Riot, Coracle, The Iona Community, Autumn 2012, pp. 19-20.

218. 2012, Radical Human Ecology: Intercultural and Indigenous Approaches, co-edited with Lewis Williams (1) and Rose Roberts (2) in the Ashgate Research Companion series, Ashgate, London. Includes my chapters on “The Challenge of Radical Human Ecology to the Academy” and “Teaching Radical Human Ecology in the Academy”, with a Foreword by Richard Borden of the Society for Human Ecology, 433 pp, ISBN 978-0-7546-9516-5, price £30 hardback.

217. 2012 The ‘Sacredness’ of Natural Sites and Their Recovery: Iona, Harris and Govan in Scotland, in Mallarach, J.-M., Papayannis, T. and Väisänen, R. (eds), The Diversity of Sacred Lands in Europe: Proceedings of the Third Workshop of the Delos Initiative – Inari/Aanaar 2010. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and Vantaa, Finland: Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services – free PDF of complete volume from IUCN here.

216. 2012, Book review of ‘A New Climate for Theology’ by Sally McFague, Journal of the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Vol5:3, 384-6.

215. 2011, Narcissistic modern art cannot help us in these troubled times, The Guardian(Face to Faith column), 21 October, also as print version pdf linked to the Kandinsky in Govan conference (see archive).

214. 2011-12, O Donald Trump, Woe Donald Trump, hard copy due in Issue 1 of EarthLines, Spring 2012; also 2011interim campaign version per Bella Caledonia in PDF.

213. 2010. A Nonviolent Challenge to Conflict, Chapter 3 in David Whetham (ed., UK Defence Academy), Ethics, Law and Military Operations, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 44-64.

212. 2010. Foreword to Future Ethics: Climate Change and Apocalyptic Imagination, edited by Stefan Skrimshire, Continuum, London, 2010.

211. 2010. Book review of Dark Mountain Journal Issue 1, on Bella Caledonia website with contributor comments, 30 June, and also in PDF, 7pp..

210. 2010. Popping the Gygian Question, Dark Mountain, Issue 1, Dark Mountain Project, May 2010, 101-7.

209. 2010. A Short Course in Liberation Theology, as used with participants at the GalGael Trust, 15pp. PDF.

208. 2010. Book Review: Patrick Hennessey’s “The Junior Officers’ Reading Club: Killing time and fighting wars”, Third Way, March, 33:3, 39.

207. 2010. What Price the Earth? Climate Change Theology Post-Cop15, WM, World Mission Council of the Church of Scotland, January, No. 33, 1.

206. 2010. Book Reviews: Peter Taylor on Contrarian Climate Change – “Shiva’s Rainbow” and “Chill”, posted to Amazon to allow debate, February.

205. 2009. Where now ‘Hell and High Water’?, ECOS: Journal of the British Association for Nature Conservation, 30:(3/4), 66-77 (with 5 short book reviews in same issue), 96-98, 103).

204. 2009. The Political Theology of Modern Scottish Land Reform, with Rutger Henneman (1), Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 3/3, 340-375.

203. 2009. Compassion (a reflection on the crofting, community and the psyche of the world), Bella Caledonia, September 09 (online journal … or click here for Word version).

202. 2009. Review of Finlay MacLeod’s (Fionnlagh MacLeòid) The Norse Mills of Lewis / Muilnean Beaga Leòdhais, The Stornoway Gazette, 16 July.

201. 2009. Review of Noel Charlton’s Understanding Gregory Bateson: Mind, Beauty and the Sacred Earth (State University of New York Press, 2008), Coracle, Iona Community, 4/40, 23-24.

200. 2009, Wilderness near the end of Heaven,John Muir Trust Journal, Spring 2009, 10-11.

199. 2009, La parole et la recherche de l’unité: entretien avec Alastair McIntosh, Transitions, Numero 1, Paris (interview with Alastair McIntosh in French on Quaker consensual decision making process).

198. 2008, Review of “A Book of Silenceby Sara Maitland, Third Way, December 2008, online at .

197. 2008, Land, Identity, School: Exploring Women’s Identity with Land in Scotland Through the Experience of Boarding School (PDF), with Chriss Bull (1) and Colin Clark (3), Oral History: Journal of the Oral History Society, Autumn 2008, Vol. 36:2, 75 – 88.

196. 2008, Rekindling Community: Connecting People, Environment and Spirituality,Schumacher Briefing No. 15, Green Books. ISBN 978-1-900322-38-6.

195. 2008, Some Contributions of Liberation Theology to Community Empowerment in Scottish Land Reform 1991 – 2003, (4 MB PDF) Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Published Works undertaken with the Academy of Irish Cultural Heritages, Faculty of Arts, University of Ulster.

194. 2008,Hell and High Water: Climate Change, Hope and the Human Condition,Birlinn Press, Edinburgh, 289 pp. + x, £8.99, ISBN 978-1-84158-622-9.

193. 2008, Child of the Earth (on the spirituality of a stillborn child – PDF 4MB),Third Way, Vol. 31:3, pp.8-11.

192. 2008, Submission to Scottish Government’s Rural Housing Inquiry, 24 March 2008.

191. 2008, ‘Sea Change for Fishing,’ in Change and continuity in Scotland’s fishing communities,Economic & Social Research Council, ESRC Seminar Series, 17-20.

190. 2008, ‘Who is Your Enemy? Lafarge, NGOs and the Harris Superquarry Campaign’ (PDF) – a sharing and debate between Alastair McIntosh of the Centre for Human Ecology and Michel Picard of Lafarge, in Kai Hockerts & Luk Van Wassenhove (eds), It’s All Our Business: Corporate Responsibility in a Global World, INSEAD Alumni Sustainability Roundtable, INSEAD Business School, Paris, Chapter 2.3.

189. 2008, Engaging the Powers of Walter Wink – an Activist’s Testimony, (PDF file) in Enigmas and Powers: Engaging the Work of Walter Wink for Classroom, Church and World, ed. D. Seiple & Frederick W. Weidmann, Princeton Theological Monograph Series No. 79, 101-112.

188. 2007, Archive of Scottish Land Reform Audio Broadcasts with Alastair McIntosh during the 1990s, listen here to 9 digitised broadcasts that reflect a little of the social history of the modern Scottish land reform movement.

187. 2007, Guest Editorial, The Participant (PDF File),Scottish Natural Heritage, Planning Aid & Royal Town Planning Institute, No. 4, 2.

186. 2007, Sparking the Fire of Regeneration, Interpretation Journal: Journal of the Association for Heritage Interpretation, 12:3, pp. 3 – 5 (also in PDF of original).

185. 2006, Fire in the Bones (Theology of Spiritual Activism), Third Way, (also in PDF of original), Vol. 29, No. 7, September 2006, pp. 12 – 15. Also published in the Jan/Feb 2007 issue of Tikkun, pp. 18 – 20, the progressive American Jewish magazine – .

184. 2006, Love and Revolution (collected poetry), Luath Press, Edinburgh, 96pp, £7.99, 4 September 2006, ISBN 1-905222-58-0.

183. 2006, Entretien avec Alastair McIntosh: Quand la société civile et l’industrie s’impliquent dans une vision partagée (entretien par Béatrice Quasnik), Les Cahiers de Sol, Society for Organisational Learning, Paris, France, No. 6, Juin/June 2006, pp. 24 – 30, en PDF.

182. 2006, Review of The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (Bron Taylor & Jeffrey Kaplan (eds.), Thoemmes Continuum, London & NY, 2 vols, £225), in ECOS: Journal of the British Association of Nature Conservationists, 27:1, pp. 116-117.

181. 2006, Land Reform: The People Find Their Voice, Reforesting Scotland, Issue 34, pp. 10-12.

180. 2006, Homage to Young Men, a “rap” (so they say!) first performed with the chart-topping duo, Nizlopi, in King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, Glasgow, 19 January, plus a 7 minute interview and a bit of “rap” on the MacAulay & Co Show, BBC Radio Scotland, broadcast 1010 16 February.

179. 2006, Wild Scots and Buffoon History – Review Article of Michael Fry’s “Wild Scots: Four Hundred Years of Highland History”, The Land,Issue 1, pp. 7 – 10.

178. 2006, What I believe – audio interview of Alastair McIntosh by Sally Magnusson on childhood, spirituality and nonviolence, as broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland, 0803 Sunday 28 January, 27 minutes. Clicking this link should play it through your media player.

177. 2005, What is Liberation Theology? Liturgical Commentary on Adolfo Pérez Esquivel’s Stations of the Cross from Latin America, 1492 – 1992,with introductions in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese and the 15 images scanned and presented in both .pdf and .ppt profiles.

176. 2005, Tribute to the Late Colin Murdo Macleod, Stornoway Gazette,17 November, p. 18.

175. 2005, Offering up a feast of the fruits of his refined scholarly skill (Ronald Black and Democratic Intellectualism), West Highland Free Press, 21 October, p. 19.

174 2005, BBC Radio Scotland Thought for the Day (multiple contributions), 2005 – 2006.

173. 2005, The Dream Job: 21 Steps to enhance Black and Ethnic Minority opportunities in Scotland,(co-authored by Alastair McIntosh, Vérène Nicolas, Tara O’Leary, Jane Rosegrant & Nick Wilding; Foreword by Tesfu Gessesse, Chair of EMPOWER), EMPOWER, Equal, European Social Fund & Centre for Human Ecology, Edinburgh, 23 September, 28pp..

172. 2005, 3 contributions to TheEncyclopaedia of Religion and Nature(2 volumes), Jeffrey Kaplan & Bron Taylor eds., Continuum International Publishing, London & NY, 2005 (, comprising: 1) Scotland (the historical context of nature religion), 1503-1505, 2) Faerie Faith in Scotland, 633-634, and, 3) Scything & Erotic Fulfillment (vernacular work rhythms), 1507-1509.

171. 2005, Poverty, Chastity and the G8, Third Way, June. Also on same page, book review for ECOS of “we are everywhere: the irresistible rise of global anticapitalism” (Verso, 2003).

170. 2005, Open Letter to Business: Towards Accelerating Marginal Utility, The Nature of Business, WWF International (Worldwide Fund for Nature), Switzerland, Vol. 3:1, p. 5.

169. 2005, Through the Eye of a Potato: Undertaking a CHE Thesis, address delivered at Centre for Human Ecology Thesis Day, 11 February.

168. 2005, Liberating Relationships with the Creation, Bulletin of the Scottish Church Theology Society, 2005.

167. 2005, Chronique d’une Alliance: Peuples autochtones et société civil face à la mondialisation, (the abridged French translation of Soil and Soul), Editions Yves Michel, Paris, ISBN 2 913492 30 4, €22, 351pp.. Ce blog est destiné aux lecteurs d’Alastair McIntosh afin qu’ils puissent se connaître, se faire connaître et s’exprimer sur les sujets abordés dans le livre.

166. 2004, Public School and the Platonic Ideal, Boarding Concern, Winter 2004, p. 7.

165. 2004, Corporate Ethics and the Harris Superquarry, Ecos: Journal of the British Association of Nature Conservationists, jointly with Luc Giraud-Guigues and Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud (both of WWF International), Vol. 25, Issue 2,. 44 – 52. Also on this page are contributions to the closing superquarry debate that I co-ordinated from Dan Barlow of Friends of the Earth Scotland, and Nigel Jackson, Executive Director of Lafarge Aggregates UK.

164. 2004, Land Reform, a 90 second “Pressure Point” broadcast on Scottish TV’s Politics Now, transmitted 16 September 2004. Click here to read text, or if you have Windows Media Player click this video link.

163. 2004, Land Reform … the Next Stages, The Crofter – The Journal of the Scottish Crofting Foundation, No. 63, May 2004, 9 – 10.

162. 2004, Corporate Ethics: Stones & Spirit – Keynote address to Lafarge’s corporate conference in Bergamo, Italy, delivered 17 May 2004. An edited version of this was published in The Sunday Herald (Seven Days), 23 May 2004, p. 9, as “Integrity of firm caught between a rock and a hard place.”

161. 2004, Peace in the Tiger’s Mouth, Chapter 16 of Seeking Cultures of Peace: a Peace Church Conversation, ed. Enns, Fernando, Holland, Scott & Riggs, Ann K., World Council of Churches (Geneva), Cascadia Publishing House (Telford, Pennsylvania) & Herald Press (Scottdale, Pennsylvania), pp. 215 – 226. Now also in PDF.

160. 2004, The Real Price of Property, Third Way,Jan/Feb, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 22 – 25.

159. 2004, Foreword to Europe, Globalization and Sustainable Development, ed. Barry, John, Baxter, Brian & Dunphy, Richard., Routledge, London, £65 (hardback), ISBN: 0-415-30276-5, xii – xxiii. Now also in PDF.

158. 2003, For Auld Lang Syne, My Dear, address to the European Social Forum (FSE), plenary on Cultural and National Identities in Europe, Paris, 14 November.

157. 2003, Paedophilia in the Community, The Hebridean, Stornoway, 20 November.

156. 2003, The 4 Stages of Land Reform in Scotland, The Hebridean,Stornoway, 2 Oct, pp. 8-9, & 23 Oct., p. 11.

155. 2003, Power to the People (Wind Energy & Land Value Market Capitalisation),The Hebridean, Stornoway, 21 August, p. 7.

154. 2003, The Lie of the Land (Land Reform on Eigg Update), The Hebridean, Stornoway, 14 August, p. 7.

153. 2003, Idolatry of the Invisible Hand (a response to Sir Mark Moody-Stuart on business & sustainability), Green Christian, No. 53, November, 11 – 12.

152. 2003, The Power of Love: What Can Nonviolence Say to Violence? Resurgence, No. 219, July/Aug, 42-44. Now also in PDF. Also, in Spanish translation as El Poder del Amor.

151. 2003, Cold War Psychohistory in the Scottish Psyche, in Jamison, Brian (ed.), Scotland and the Cold War, Cualann Press, Dumfermline, pp. 74 – 80.

150. 2003, Constitutional Theology, Community & Sovereignty of the Sea,in International Union for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade: Proceedings of the Edinburgh Conference 2001, International Union for Land Value Taxation, London, 2003, 70-85.

149. 2003, Towards a Sustainable Community Housing Policy for Scotland, distributed consultation paper, July 7, 7 pp..

148. 2003, On Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, in A Living Quaker Witness to the Earth, The Earth: Our Creative Responsibility Group, Quaker Peace and Social Witness, Quaker Books, London, pp. 18-19.

147. 2003, Superquarry Saga Rumbles On, ECOS: Journal of the British Association for Nature Conservation, 24:2.

146. 2003, Class of 1981 – Alastair McIntosh – MBA Profile,Aluminate, University of Edinburgh Management School, Summer edn..

145. 2003, The Saltire Society / The Herald Debate – War, Religion and the British Constitution, text based on delivery at the Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, 27 May.

144. 2003, Communities of Place, The Aisling, Aran Islands, Ireland, Issue 31, 2003, pp. 65-67 Also published on the website of Open Democracy (with links to many key phrases) as Soil and Soul: Lessons from Ireland, 2002. This is an extended version of publication no. 136 (below), which first appeared in The Cork Examiner newspaper.

143. 2003, Report to Scottish Quakers on Fact-finding Visit to the World Council of Churches (Decade for Overcoming Violence), Religious Society of Friends, Britain Yearly Meeting & General Meeting Scotland, March 2003.

142. 2003, Development with Soul: alternatives to debt, interview by Peter Gibb with Alastair McIntosh, Land and Liberty, Vol. 109:1204, Autumn/Winter 2002/2003, 8-10 (this internet version is uncut).

141. 2003, Channel 4’s “Without Prejudice?” – “7 days in the life of … Alastair McIntosh”, Sunday Herald, 25 January 2003, p. 9 (7 Days section), and, “How I won 50 grand on TV”, The Herald, 28 January 2003, p. 14.

140. 2002, Becoming Rooted in Place. Public address given at the opening of NVA’s Hidden Garden at Glasgow’s Tramway Theatre, 30 November 2002.

139. 2002, (Ecology and Scottish Identity) – Book Reviews of Scotland’s Landscapes and Managing Scotland’s Environment, ECOS, 23(2), 2002, 71-73.

138. 2002, The Future of Wild Land in Scotland: “Yes, about the fairies and all that…”. This article was commissioned by the Scottish Wild Land Group for their published contribution to The International Year of Mountains 2002, Scotland’s Wild Land – what future?, ISBN 0-9543790-0-4, £4.00, 5-8.

137. 2002, Kinship with Creation: Two Quakers Share their Views, Quaker Green Action, ISBN 0 9518766 3 5, 38 pp., UK (with Susannah Brindle, but this website gives only Alastair McIntosh’s interview).

136. 2002, It’s all about putting people in their place, text of address to the Rural Planning Symposium for Duhallow, published in The Irish Examiner, Cork, 21 June 2002.

135. 2002, Roots for Living, occasional column in The Big Issue in Scotland, with Vérène Nicolas, on diverse social, environmental and spiritual issues. This link takes you to the index.

134. 2002, Review of “Human Ecology: Basic Concepts for Sustainable Development”, The Ecologist, Vol. 32:2, March 2002, 55-6.

133. 2001, Origins of the Sex-Spirit Split, Sex and Spirit Conferencekeynote address, Findhorn Foundation, 21 October 2001.

132. 2001, Sabbath and the Corporate Mammon: concluding the Harris Superquarry Debate, ECOS, British Association of Nature Conservationists, 22 (1), 46-52.

131. 2001, Let’s make a world of difference (Globalization, or One World?), Evening News, Edinburgh, November 26, 10.

130. 2001, Mystery of Andrew, our forgotten saint (St Andrew and women’s rights), Scottish Daily Mail, November 26, 10.

129. 2001, Land reform threatened by the “Pavarotti Effect”, West Highland Free Press, 9 November, 10.

128. 2001, Land Reform and National Identity, Le Monde Diplomatique, Paris, No. 572-48, November, p. 6, co-authored with Vérène Nicolas. Published in French translation, as Quand l’Ecosse Distribue les Terres: Vent de Réformes Après la Conquête de L’Autonomie, in English original, London, p. 13 (with The Guardian Weekly by subscription and on website) as Scotland plc – Land Reform and National Identity, in German/Swiss editions as Das Geheimnis des wahren Schotten, and in Spanish (Chilean edition) as Reforma agraria e identitaria en Escocia (December 2001 edition).

127. 2001, Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power, Aurum Press, London, ISBN 1 85410 802 6, £17.99 hardback, 322pp. + xiv, with Foreword by George Monbiot. The 2nd edition (trade paperback) appeared in November 2002, and the current 3rd edition (mass paperback, £7.99) in November 2004. An abridged French translation was published in March 2005 by Editions Yves Michel, as Chronique d’une Alliance: Peuples autochtones et société civil face à la mondialisation (€22).

126. 2001, Community, Power and Peace: Healing Nationhood, Historic Peace Churches’ Consultation for the WCC – Theology and Culture: Peacemaking for the Globalised World, conference at Bienenberg Theological Seminary, Basel, Switzerland, 25-29 June 2001. The above link takes you to the original conference paper which, along with others given, is online at A revised version was published in 2004 jointly with the World Council of Churches – click here for this version.

125. 2001, Pagan Presbyterianism? Protest and Prophetic Theology, The Friends’ Quarterly, Kent, 32:7, 300-309.

124. 2000, Discounting the Children’s Future? Does the Non-symmetrical Depreciation of Natural and Human-made Capital Invalidate the Assumption of Substitutability in “Weak” Sustainability Analysis?, Geophilos,No. 00(1), Land Research Trust, London, (with Gareth Edwards-Jones (2)), 122-133.

123. 2000. Defying the Corporate Golem (Lafarge Redland, Corporate “Human” Rights and the British Constitution), Foundations, William Temple Foundation, 3:4, 27.

122. 2000. When Mammon Comes Marching In… Challenging the Claim of Corporate “Human” Rights, Stornoway Gazette, 28 September, p. 4.

121. 2000. Shine On…, The Kingdom of Fife: Our Land and its Peoples, “keynote listener” contribution to proceedings of WECAN! conference, Falkland, 26-28.

120. 2000, “The whole house of Islam, and we Christians with them”: an Interview with “the Last Orientalist” (Professor William Montgomery Watt),The Coracle, 3:51, Iona Community, (with Bashir Maan (1)), 8-11. Now also in PDF .

119. 2000, A Sabbath of the Land (Harris superquarry reconciliation, and SAC conservation area theology), Stornoway Gazette, 20 July, 4, being reprinted in ECOS: Journal of the British Association for Nature Conservation, autumn 2000.

118. 2000. Earth First, Suits Last, Product, No. 4, Edinburgh, 4.

117. 2000, God versus Trident: Constitutional Theology in Legal Defence , legal arguments prepared for Ellen Moxley of the “Greenock Three” Peace Women, Greenock Sheriff Court contingent submission.

116. 2000, Healing Nationhood: Essays on Spirituality, Place and Community, including Land, Power & National Identity commissioned by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Curlew Productions, Kelso, with the Centre for Human Ecology and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, 144pp., ISBN 1 900259 95 8, £7.50.

115. 2000, Who’s a Real Scot? The Report of “Embracing Multicultural Scotland”,Centre for Human Ecology, Edinburgh, 28pp., (with Hanna Maan (1), Nick Wilding (2), Vérène Nicolas (3) and Amadu Khan (4)). Now in PDF.

114. 2000, Hefting the Deer to the Community: Red Deer Management, Reforesting Scotland, No. 24, 21-22.

113. 2000, Saint Andrew – Nonviolence and National Identity, Theology in Scotland, St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews, VII:1, 55-70 PDF Version.

112. 2000, The Case for God: Carbeth Hutters’ Feudal Defence Against Eviction, Ecotheology, Sheffield Academic Press, Issue 8, 86-110. Now also in PDF.

111. 2000, Socially Expressed Spectrum of Power, annual handout to students on Advanced Staff & Command Course at the Joint Services Command & Staff College, now part-published in Healing Nationhood (see above), 14-17.

110. 2000, Dancing to your Shadow: A Celtic Reflection on the Healing of Broken-Heartedness, The Journal of Contemporary Health, Liverpool John Moores University, Issue 8, 58-60; reprinted in PanGaia, Port Arena, CA., No. 23, 41-45.

109. 2000, God in All Creation: Address introducing business theme at Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Quaker Monthly, Quaker Home Service, 79:2, July 2000, 163-167 and at press with Christian.

108. 2000, God, Creation and Yearly Meeting 2000, The Friends Quarterly,Kent,, 32:2, 49-58. Archive

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