Bibliography on Liberation Psychologies

An Evolving Bibliography on Liberation Psychologies

Original document by Helene Shulman Lorenz and Mary Watkins. Adapted and extended by Dennis Rivers. Online book information and purchase links provided by Human Development Books and

Abdullah, (1994). “It’s nation time for Black liberation psychology: A reaction paper.” Journal of Black Psychology, 20, 3, 376-375

Altman, N. (1995). The analyst in the inner city: Race, class, and culture through a psychoanalytic lens. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Atlantic Press

Antze, P. and Lambek, M. (1996). Tense past. NY: Routledge.

Anzaldua, G. (1987). Borderlands/ La frontera: The new mestiza. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Press.

Anzaldua, G. [Ed.] (1990). Making face/ making soul: Creative and critical perspectives by women of color. S.F.: Aunt Lute Press

Aristide, J. (2000). Eyes of the heart: seeking a path for the poor in the age of globalization. Monroe, Me.: Common Courage Press

Aronowitz, S. and Giroux, H. (1991). Postmodern education: Politics, culture, and social criticism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Asher, C. (1993). The communitarian self as [God] ultimate reality. Spring, 54: 71-79

Ashplant, T., Dawson, G., Roper, M, Eds., (In Press). The politics of war, memory and commemoration. London: Routledge.

Aung San Suu Kyi (1991). Freedom from fear. London: Penguin Books

Avilar, I. (1999). The untimely present: Postdictatorial Latin American Fiction and the task of mourning. Durham: Duke University Press.

Behar, R. (1996). The vulnerable observer: Anthropology that breaks your heart. Boston: Beacon Press

Belenky, M., Bond, L., and Weinstock, S. (1991). A tradition that has no name:Nurturing the development of people, families, and communities. N.: Basic Books.

Belenky, M., Clinchy, B., Goldberger, N., & Tarule, J. (1986). Women’s ways of knowing: The development of self, voice, and mind. New York: Basic Books.

Belenky, M. (1997). Public homeplaces: Nurturing the development of people, families, and communities. In N. Goldberger, J. Tarule, B. Clinchy, & M. Belenky (Eds.), Knowledge, difference, and power. New York: Basic Books.

Boal, A. (1998). Legislative theater: using performance to make politics. N.Y.: Routledge

Boal, A. (1985). Theater of the oppressed. N.Y. Theater Communications Group

Boff, L. (1997). Cry of the earth, cry of the poor. Maryknoll, N.Y. Orbis Books

Bohm, D. (1996). On dialogue. N.Y.: Routledge

Boulding, E. (1983). The social imagination and the crisis of human futures: A North American perspective. Forum for correspondence and contact, 13(2), 43-56.

Brown, L. and Gilligan, C. (1992). Meeting at the crossroads. NY: Ballantine Books.

Castillo, R. (1998). Meanings of Madness. Pacific Grove: Brooks Cole Publishing Company

Caruth, C., Ed. (1995). Trauma: Explorations in Memory. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.

Caruth, C. (1996). Unclaimed experience: Trauma, narrative, and history. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.

Chappell, D. [Ed.] (1999). Buddhist peacework: Creating cultures of peace. Boston: Wisdom Publications

Churchill, W. (1998). Fantasies of the master race: Literature, cinema, and the colonization of American Indians. San Francisco: City Lights Books

Cixous, H. (1993). Three steps on the ladder of writing. N.Y.: Columbia University Press

Cone, J. (1992). A black theology of liberation. NY: Orbis.

Cushman, P. (1996). Constructing the self, constructing America: A cultural history of psychotherapy in America. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Das, V., Kleinman, A., Ranphele, M., and Reynolds, P. (1997). Violence and subjectivity. Berkeley: U. of California Press

de Certeau, M. (1997). Culture in the Plural. Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota Press

Diamond, I. and Orenstein, G. (1992). Reweaving the world: The emergence of ecofeminism. S.F. Sierra Club Books

Enriquez, V. (1992). From Colonial to liberation psychology: The Phillipine experience. Quezon City, Philippines: University of the Philippines Press.

Eppsteiner, F. (1988). The path of compassion: Writings on socially engaged Buddhism. Berkeley: Parallax Press.

Esteva, G. and Prakash, M. (1998). Grassroots postmodernism. London: Zed Books. “Exploring Liberation Psychology,” The Community Psychologist, 34, 1, 2001, pp. 27-36

Fanon, F. (1967). Toward the African revolution. N.Y. Grove Press

Felman, S. and Laub, D. (1992). Testimony: Crises of witnessing in literature, psychoanalysis, and history. NY: Routledge.

Flinders, C. (1998). At the root of this longing: Reconciling a spiritual hunger and a feminist thirst. San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishers

Foucault, M. (1995). Discipline and punish. NY: Vintage Books.

Fox, D. and Prilleltensky, I. [Eds.] (1997). Critical psychology: An introduction. London: Sage Publications

Freire, P. (1989). Pedagogy of the oppressed. NY: Continuum. pedagogy of liberation. New York: Continuum.

Freire, P. & Faundez, A. (1989). Learning to question: A pedagogy of liberation. New York: Continuum.

Freire, P. (1985). The Politics of education: Culture, power, and Liberation. Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey

Freire, P. & Horton, M. (1991). We make the road by walking: Conversations on education and social change. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Fromm, E. (1976). To have or to be. New York: Bantam Books.

Fusco, C. (1995). English is broken here: Notes on cultural fusion in the Americas. N.Y.C.: New Press

Galland, C. (1998). The bond between women. N.Y.: Riverhead Books

Gebara, I. (1999). Longing for running water. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.

Gilroy, P. (1993). The black Atlantic: Modernity and double consciousness. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Giroux, H. (1992). Border crossing: Cultural workers and the politics of education. N.Y.: Routledge

Giroux, H. and McLaren, P. (1994). Between borders: Pedagogy and the politics of cultural studies. N.Y.: Routledge

Glissant, E. (1989). Caribbean discourse. Charlottesville: U. of Virginia Press.

Gomez-Pena, G. (1993). Warrior for Gringostroika. St. Paul: Graywolf Press.

Griffin, S.(1995). The eros of everyday life. NY: Doubleday.

Gruen, A. (2007). The Insanity of Normality: Toward Understanding Human Destructiveness. Berkeley: Human Development Books.

Gruen, A. (2009). The Betrayal of the Self: The Fear of Autonomy in Men and Women. Berkeley: Human Development Books.

Gugelberger, G. Ed. (1996). The real thing: Testimonial discourse and Latin America. Durham: Duke University Press.

Gutierrez, G. (1984). The power of the poor in history. Maryknoll: Orbis Books

Hillman, J. & Ventura, M.(1992). We’ve had a hundred years of psychoanalysis and the world is getting worse. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco.

Hocoy, D. (1999). “The validity of Cross’s Model of Black racial identity in the South African context”. In Journal of Black Psychology. Vol.25, No. 2

Hollander, N. (1997). Love in a time of hate. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Homans, P. (1989). The ability to mourn. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.

Homans, P. (2000). Symbolic loss. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.

hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress. N.Y.: Routledge.

hooks, b. (1990). Yearning. Boston: South End Press.

Horton, M. (1990). The long haul: An autobiography. New York: Doubleday.

Jung, C. (1933). Modern man in search of a soul. N.Y.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers

Kipnis, A. (1999). Angry young men. S.F.: Jossey-Bass Publishers

Kleinman, A., Das, V., and Lock, M. (1997). Social suffering. Berkeley: U. of California Press.

Kleinman, A. (1988). Re-thinking psychiatry. NY: Free Press.

Kristeva, J. (1991). Strangers to ourselves. N.Y.: Columbia University Press

Laderman, C. and Roseman, R. (1996). The Performance of Healing. N.Y. Routledge

Lifton, R. (1986). The Nazi doctors: Medical killing and the psychology of genocide. N.Y.: Basic books

Lipinski, B. (2001). Heed the call: Psychological perspectives on child abuse. Los Angeles: Sojourner Press

Lorde, A. (1984). Sister Outsider. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press

Lorenz, H. Shulman, and Watkins, M. (In press). “Individuation, seeingthrough, and liberation: Depth psychology and culture.” Quadrant. Also see illustrated online version at

Lorenz, H. Shulman & Watkins, M. (2002). “Silenced knowings, forgotten springs: Paths to healing in the wake of colonialism.” Radical Psychology: A Journal of Psychology, Politics, and Radicalism (online journal). Also see illustrated online version at

Lorenz, H. Shulman.(2000). “The presence of absence.” In D. Slattery & L. Corbett (Eds.), Depth psychology: Meditations in the field. Einsiedeln, SW: Daimon Verlag. See online version at

Lorenz, H. Shulman. (1999) “Windtrails”. in R. Goldstein, [Ed.] Images, meanings, connections: Essays in memory of Susan Bach. Einsiedeln: Daimon Publications. See online version at

[Lorenz] Shulman, H. (1997). Living at the edge of chaos. Einsiedeln: Daimon Verlag.

Louie, S. and Omatsu, G. (2001). Asian Americans: The Movement and the moment. UCLA Asian American Studies Center Press

Mackey, N. (1993). Discrepant engagement. Tuscaloosa: U. of Alabama Press.

Macy, J. (1983). Dharma and development: Religion as resource in the Sarvodya self-help movement. Hartford: Kumarian Press.

Macy, J. (1991). World as lover; World as self. Berkeley: Parallax Press.

Macy, J. and Brown, M. Y. (2014). Coming back to life: Practices to reconnect our lives, our world. Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers.

Mahdi, L., Christopher, N., and Meade, M. (1996). Crossroads: The quest for contemporary rites of passage. Chicago: Open Court

Marks, L (2000). The skin of the film. Durham: Duke University Press.

Martin-Baro, I. (1994). Writings for a liberation psychology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

McLaughlin, C. and Davidson, G. (1994). Spiritual politics: Changing the world from the inside out. N.Y.: Ballantine Books

McLaren, P. and Lankshear, C. [Eds.] (1994). Politics of liberation: Paths from Freire. N.Y. Routledge Memmi, A. (1968). Dominated man: Notes towards a portrait. Boston: Beacon Press

Mernissi, F. (2002). Scheherazade Goes West. N.Y.: Washington Square Press

Minh-Ha, T,M. (1989) Woman, native, other: Writing postcoloniality and feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press

Morales, A. (1998). Medicine stories: History, culture, and the politics of integrity. Cambridge, MA: South End Press

Moane, G. (2011). Gender and colonialism: A psychological analysis of oppression and liberation. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Munoz, J. (1998). Disidentifications: Queers of color and the performance of politics. Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota Press

Nandy, A. (1983). The intimate enemy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ngugi wa Thiong’o. (1986) Decolonizing the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature. London: James Currey.

Oliver, K. (2001). Witnessing: Beyond Recognition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Prakash, G. (1995). After colonialism: Imperial histories and postcolonial displacements. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press

Pratt, M. (1992). Under Imperial Eyes: Studies in travel writing and interculturation. N.Y.: Routledge

Roach, J.R. (1996). Cities of the Dead: Circum-Atlantic performance. N.Y.: Columbia University Press

Roszak, T., Gomes, M., and Kanner, A. [Eds.] (1995). Ecopsychology. S.F.: Sierra Clubs Books

Said, E. (1978). Orientalism. N.Y. Pantheon

Said, E. (1992). Culture and Imperialism. N.Y.: Knopf

Sampson, E. (1989). The challenge of social change for psychology: Globalization and psychology’s theory of the person. American Psychologist, 44,(6), 914-921.

Sampson, E. (1993). Celebrating the other: A dialogic account of human nature. Boulder: Westview Press.

Samuels, A. (1993). The political psyche. London: Routledge.

Santner, E. (1990). Stranded objects. Ithaca: Cornell U. Press.

Santner, E. (2001). On the psychotheology of everyday life. Chicago: U. of Chicago. . Scheper-Hughes, N. (1998) Small wars: The cultural politics of childhood. Berkeley: University of California Press

Scott, J. (1992). Domination and the arts of resistance. New Haven: Yale University Press

Scott, J. (1998). Seeing like a state. New Haven: Yale University Press

Shiva, V. (1989). Staying alive: Women, ecology, and development. London: Zed Press

Shohat, E. and Stam, R. (1994). Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media. NY: Routledge.

Sloan, T. (1996). Damaged life: The crisis of the modern psyche. N.Y.: Routledge

Smith, S. and Watson, J., Eds. (1992). Decolonizing the subject. Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota Press.

Somerville, S. (2000) Queering the color line: Race and the invention of homosexuality in America. Durham: Duke University PressSoyinka, W. (1976). Myth, literature, and the African world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Sulak Sivaraksa (1992). Seeds of peace: A Buddhist vision for renewing society. Berkeley: Parallax Press.

Tandon, R.(1984). With people’s wisdom, a video interview with Tandon by Ruth Pelham, Highlander Center, New Market, TN.

Taylor, D. (1997). Disappearing acts. Durham: Duke University Press.

Thich Nhat Hanh (1994). A joyful path: Community transformation and peace. Berkeley: Parallax Press.

Thich Nhat Hahn (1993). For a future to be possible. Berkeley: Parallax Press

Trinh, M. (1989). Woman, native, other. Bloomington: Indiana U. Press.

Tutu, D. (1999). No Future without forgiveness. NY: Doubleday.

Verhelst, T. (1987). No life without roots: Culture and development. London: Zed Books

von Franz, M. (1980/1978). Projection and Re-collection in Jungian Psychology. Peru, IL: Open Court.

Watkins, M. (1987). ‘In dreams begin responsibilities’: Moral imagination and peace action. In V. Andrew, R. Bosnak, & K. Goodwin (Eds.), Facing apocalypse. Woodstock, CT: Spring Publications.

Watkins, M. (1988). Imagination and peace: On the inner dynamics of promoting peace activism. In R. Wagner, J. de Rivera, & M. Watkins (Eds.), Psychology and the promotion of peace. Journal of Social Issues, 44(2).

Watkins, M. (1992). From individualism to the interdependent self: Changing paradigms in psychotherapy. Psychological Perspectives, 27, 52-69.

Watkins, M. (2000). “Depth Psychology and the Liberation of Being.” In R. Brooke (Ed.), Pathways into the Jungian world. London: Routledge.

Watkins, M. (2000). “Seeding Liberation: A Dialogue Between Depth Psychology and Liberation Psychology. In D. Slattery & L. Corbett (Eds.), Depth psychology: Meditations in the field. Einsiedeln, SW: Daimon Verlag.

Watkins, M. (2010). Toward psychologies of liberation: Critical theory and practice in psychology and the human sciences. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.


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